A Day in the Life of a Screenwriting Student

What made you study Screenwriting? I started off wanting to go into acting and theatre directing, that was my beginning point. I was starting to secure little professional jobs here and there, however when looking at all of my writing heroes, the people I admire in the media, I noticed that they’ve all been a …

Spike Lee – The Man, The Activist

Spike Lee is an African American writer and director whose renegade spirit, talent, tenacity and need for honest storytelling has allowed him to enjoy a thirty year long career and become the most significant African American director in history. Before Spike’s 1986 debut ‘She’s gotta have it’ black actors were largely instructed by white American …

Interview with a first-year BA Practical Filmmaker

Jaden started studying with us in September 2021 and is currently finalising his second script, and preparing to undertake different filmmaking roles on a diverse range of short films this term. What module did you enjoy most in term one? We did a module called Visual Storytelling. We went to Tate Britain and had to …

Tips for Writing Your Personal Statement

Writing your personal statement  Writing a personal statement can be daunting but don’t worry here’s a breakdown of things you can write about.  Talk about things you’ve taken part in related to the subject Why you want to take the course  How you think the course will benefit you  Anything else you’ve done that you’re …

What would have helped? Tips from a 2nd Year Student

Starting higher education can be very daunting, and if, like myself, you have very little experience in making films, then starting a Filmmaking course can be even more daunting. Nothing prepares you for the intensity and workload but there are certain things you can do to help. I have compiled some of the things that …