Black History Month 2022 – Creative Events to Inspire and Educate

At Central Film School, we believe that black history and experiences should be brought into classroom discussions outside of Black History Month. Another great way to learn about black history is to attend an event during Black History Month. This is an opportunity to learn about social issues facing this community and enjoy some new …

Student Testimonial (Italiano)

Laura is an international student specialising in Directing. Originally from Italy, Laura shares her CFS experience in Italian. Italiano Italiano Tell us about a filmmaker that inspires you? Noah Baumbach è uno dei registi e sceneggiatori a cui mi ispiro maggiormente. Con il suo film “Marriage Story”, attraverso l’uso di scene cariche di dramma e …

Spike Lee – The Man, The Activist

Spike Lee is an African American writer and director whose renegade spirit, talent, tenacity and need for honest storytelling has allowed him to enjoy a thirty year long career and become the most significant African American director in history. Before Spike’s 1986 debut ‘She’s gotta have it’ black actors were largely instructed by white American …

How music and film students can benefit each other

A blog about the benefits of the relationship between Central Film School and Point Blank. At Central Film School we give students the resources, knowledge and skills they need to tell their stories through film. Filmmaking is, fundamentally, a collaborative process and requires skills from many different disciplines, including music production.  A great music score …

Student Testimonial (Brazilian Portuguese)

Lívia is an international student specialising in Producing. Originally from Brazil, Lívia shares her CFS experience in both Portuguese and English. Portuguese English Portuguese Tell us about a filmmaker that inspires you? É impossível responder esta pergunta com apenas um nome, mas vou tentar. Agnes Varda, roteirista e diretora, é definitivamente uma de minhas inspirações. …