Make the most of your summer with one of our short courses and get 20% off the tuition fee if you or a member of your household has been furloughed*
*Household refers to Parents, Partners and Children living at the same address and dependant upon a furloughed individual at this address.
Individuals who are furlughed are also able to apply for the Film20 discount.
The Film20 discount does not apply to roommakes or flatshares where rental arrangements are the responsibility of the individual. The discount does not apply to the registration fee for Short Courses.
Complete the applications form for the course you are interested in.
Do NOT make a payment online.
For Part-time courses, select ‘save and continue’ after completing the first page. For Short courses complete the application in full.
Send an email to to inform us that you wish apply for the Film20 discount.
Once we have confirmed the discount, we will provide you with instructions to make a direct payment.
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