Tier 2 Guidance for our CFS Community

We hope you and yours are safe and well. We are writing as a reminder that from the beginning of Saturday 17 October, all of London was moved to the UK government’s Covid alert level ‘high’ (Tier 2).

What Does Tier 2 Mean?

You must not meet socially with anyone you don’t live with (‘your household’), in any indoor setting, unless they are in your support bubble.  

Meeting other people

  1. Overnight stays are only allowed if they are with your own household or support bubble.
  2. If you are staying in a student residence/halls-style accommodation, a ‘household’ is your flat or corridor. Residents must not mix between floors, blocks, or halls.
  3. You can meet people outdoors, including in a garden, but the rule of six still applies. Meeting in groups larger than six is against the law.
  4. Professional childcare arrangements can continue and informal childcare arrangements for under 14s can continue in private homes. These must be done by creating a childcare bubble between the same two households.

Face coverings and travel

  1. Face coverings are compulsory in many settings. This includes on public transport for the entire journey, in taxis, in shops, banks, cinemas, galleries, and in places of worship.  You should also wear a face-covering when you cannot keep a safe distance from others. Face coverings are compulsory parts of the Central Film School campus – make sure you adhere to the guidance around the campus.
  2. Reduce journeys on public transport. If you need to use TfL transport, do so at off-peak times.

Personal safety  

  1. If you have been the victim of crime, or are feeling threatened, controlled or abused at home, help is available. Under the new rules, you can still make any journeys you need to keep you and your family safe, and you can meet with people outside of your bubble to get help.
  2. Police can issue fines for rule breaking. Failing to wear a face covering is £200 (except for those who are exempt). Breaking the rule of six  is £200 to £6,400.  If you hold, or are involved in holding, an illegal gathering of over 30 people, the police can issue a fine of £10,000

What’s Next for my Studies?

The Central Film School campus, along with all schools, colleges and universities, remains open, and in-person and online learning continues to be delivered under our blended learning approach on all programmes of study.  

There should be no change to your scheduled teaching. 

The College’s wider response is being managed through our Covid Campus Risk Assessment and Case Management Policy, which has been written to align with Public Health England guidance.

What Should I Do?

Please be reassured that Central Film School is taking all necessary steps to protect our community, and please make sure you continue to play your part by following public health guidance both on and away from campus.  

If you feel unwell or someone you live with is unwell

Protect yourself. Protect others. 

  • Hands: wash your hands regularly.
  • Face: wear a face covering – including on campus.
  • Space: keep a two-metre distance where possible, and follow campus one-way systems.
Keeping Well in the Pandemic 

Living through this pandemic is challenging for everyone, and feeling lonely or anxious is completely normal. It is important to remind yourself that this will not last forever, but in the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help you cope: 

  • Be proactive and check in with friends regularly, making good use of digital platforms to chat with friends and family.
  • Share your feelings with somebody you trust.
  • Do more things you enjoy.
  • Pursue a hobby, learn a new skill or join free online courses.
  • Help others by volunteering from home.
  • Reach out and join an online community. 

The NHS Every Mind Matters website has more details on how to do these things. 

If you simply feel like having a chat or sharing anything that may be worrying you, you can get in touch with us at wellness@centralfilmschool.com to arrange a time to speak.

Be well and stay safe, 

Central Film School