How music and film students can benefit each other

A blog about the benefits of the relationship between Central Film School and Point Blank.

At Central Film School we give students the resources, knowledge and skills they need to tell their stories through film. Filmmaking is, fundamentally, a collaborative process and requires skills from many different disciplines, including music production. 

A great music score in film can help to build and increase the emotions of a scene, and really bolster the quality of the production. This, alongside sound effects, will enhance the overall auditory experience of the movie. Filmmakers and composers working in concert will elevate a feature, combining to nurture tomorrow’s filmmaking talent.

Point Blank Music School is a leading music production school based in London that offers professional-level courses taught by experts in their respective fields. Central Film School has been partnered with Point Blank for several years, and this partnership has boasted great collaboration between our students and theirs.

Last Tuesday, we hosted a networking event with Point Blank. During the event, our students presented and pitched their graduation film proposals to sound designers and composers studying at Point Blank. The students from Point Blank then had the opportunity to ask our students questions and register their interest in each film. The event served as a great opportunity for potential collaboration. These graduation films are key to both our student’s progression and development as they will serve as their entry point into the film industry.