International Qualifications

Central Film School welcomes students from all over the world and our school benefits from the diverse experiences and outlook of our european and international student cohorts. With our immersive teaching style, you will learn the hands on practical skills you need to succeed as a filmmaker or screenwriter.

As an international applicant you may not have UK qualifications. Below you will find the qualifications we accept by country. If your home country is not listed, please contact us with any queries.

For qualifications and certificates from non-English Speaking Countries, we require an official translation which contain the translators stamp and contact details.

Entry Requirements 2023

Qualifications by country     A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Y Z



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Título de Bachiller with two subjects achieving a 6.0 grade

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Título de Bachiller with two subjects achieving a 7.0 grade or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of the four-year Grado de Licenciado with an average grade of 5,40 or 

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of 12 years of education with Senior Secondary School Diploma or AQF Diploma

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: Exempt

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of Bachelor (Honours) Degree with Second Class (Lower Division) 

English Language Requirement: Exempt


Integrated Foundation Year

An average minimum score of 4 (Genügend/sufficient) in the Austrian Reifeprufungszeugnis/ Maturazeugnis

English Language Requirement: see our list 

Undergraduate Degrees

An average minimum score of 2 (Gut/good) in the Austrian Reifeprufungszeugnis/ Maturazeugnis or 

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of the four-year Diplomstudium/Magister with an 2.2 (Gut/Good) grade or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year Bachelor degree with a minimum overall GPA of 2.50

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

French-speaking Community: a minimum average score of 6/10 or 13/20 in the Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superieur or a 60% average with 70% in three subjects from Belgian High School qualifications. 

Flemish Speaking Community: a minimum average score of 6/10 or 13/20 in the Diploma von Hoger Secondaire Onderwijs or a 60% average with 70% in three subjects from Belgian High School qualifications. 

German Speaking Community: a minimum average score of 6/10 or 13/20 in the Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts or a 60% average with 70% in three subjects from Belgian High School qualifications. 

English Language Requirement: see our list 

Undergraduate Degrees

French-speaking Community: a minimum average score of 6/10 or 13/20 in the Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superieur or an 60% average with 70% in three subjects from Belgian High School qualifications or

Flemish Speaking Community:  a minimum average score of 6/10 or 13/20 in the Diploma von Hoger Secondaire Onderwijs or a 60% average with 70% in three subjects from Belgian High School qualifications or

German Speaking Community:  a minimum average score of 6/10 or 13/20 in the Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts or a 60% average with 70% in three subjects from Belgian High School qualifications 

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

French-speaking Community: Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum grade outcome of Satisfaction

Flemish Speaking Community: Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree with the final grade of Op voldoende wijze(low)/Geslaagd (low).

German Speaking Community: Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of 65% grade point average.

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year 

Completion of the Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio with a minimum combined score of 2500 across all four streams 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of the Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio with a minimum combined score of 3500 across all four streams or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Título de Bacharel with a minimum average point grade of 6.0

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie) with average score of 3.0 (sufficient) 

English Language Requirement: see our list

A minimum of 5.0 in the State Matura Exam in English and a minimum score of 5.5 in the compulsory school subject of English

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie) with average score of 5.0 (very good)

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

A minimum of 5.0 in the State Matura Exam in English and a minimum score of 5.5 in the compulsory school subject of English

Postgraduate Degrees

Bulgarian Universities Post-2002: Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum grade outcome of 4.60 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL) 

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year 

Completed of Diploma of Upper Secondary Education with a minimum overall grade of E

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

 BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year Bachelor degree with a minimum overall GPA of 2.50

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University

or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year 

AlbertaCompletion of an Alberta High School Diploma achieving an AS grade outcome. 

British ColumbiaCompletion of a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation achieving a minimum 2.30 grade score. 

Manitoba – Completion of a Manitoba High School Diploma to Grade 12. 

New Brunswick – Completion of a New Brunswick High School Diploma achieving a minimum 60 grade score

Newfoundland and Labrador – Completion of a Newfoundland and Labrador High School Diploma achieving a Graduated with General Status.

North West Territories – Completion of a North West Territories High School Diploma achieving a minimum 50 grade score.

Nova Scotia – Completion of a Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma achieving a minimum 50 grade score.

Nunavut – Completion of a Nunavut School Graduation Diploma achieving a minimum 55 grade score.

Ontario – Completion of a Ontario Secondary School Diploma achieving a minimum 50 grade score.

Prince Edward Island – Completion of a Prince Edward Island High School Graduation Diploma achieving at least five grade-12 subjects at a minimum of 60%.

Québec – Completion of a Diplôme d’études Collégiales (DEC) achieving a minimum 55 grade.

Saskatchewan –  Completion of a Saskatchewan Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement achieving a minimum 50 grade score.

Yukon – Completion of a Yukon Graduation Diploma achieving a minimum 54 grade score.

English Language Requirement: Exempt

Undergraduate Degrees

Alberta – Completion of an Alberta High School Diploma achieving an AS grade outcome. 

British Columbia – Completion of a British Columbia Certificate of Graduation achieving a minimum 3.50 grade score. 

Manitoba – Completion of a Manitoba High School Diploma to Grade 12.

 New Brunswick – Completion of a New Brunswick High School Diploma achieving a minimum 67 grade score

Newfoundland and Labrador – Completion of a Newfoundland and Labrador High School Diploma achieving a Graduated with Academic Status.

North West Territories – Completion of a North West Territories High School Diploma achieving a minimum 64 grade score.

Nova Scotia – Completion of a Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma achieving a minimum 65 grade score.

Nunavut – Completion of a Nunavut School Graduation Diploma achieving a minimum 66 grade score.

Ontario – Completion of a Ontario Secondary School Diploma achieving a minimum 67 grade score.

Prince Edward Island – Completion of a Prince Edward Island High School Graduation Diploma achieving at least five grade-12 subject at a minimum of 72%.

Québec – Completion of a Diplôme d’études Collégiales (DEC) achieving a minimum 71 grade score.

Saskatchewan –  Completion of a Saskatchewan Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement achieving a minimum 70 grade score.

Yukon – Completion of a Yukon Graduation Diploma achieving a minimum 65 grade score.


International Baccalaureate diploma (IB) or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: Exempt


Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree/Baccalauréat with a minimum GPA of 2.20 or

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree/Baccalauréat with a minimum Grade score of 62.00 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL) 

English Language Requirement: Exempt



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an Licencia de Educación/ Enseñanza Media achieving a minimum 4.0 grade scale. 

Completion of a Nota de Enseñanza Media (NEM) (Secondary School Grade) achieving a minimum 4.97 grade score. 

Completion of an Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU) (University Selection Test) achieving a minimum 343 point score. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Licencia de Educación/ Enseñanza Media achieving a minimum 5.0 grade scale or

Completion of an Nota de Enseñanza Media (NEM) (Secondary School Grade) achieving an minimum 5.70 grade score or 

Completion of an Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU) (University Selection Test) achieving a minimum 466 point score or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Grado de Licenciado en (subject area) with a minimum grade outcome of 4.4 (suficiente/sufficient) or

Completion of a Título (Professional) de (subject area) with a minimum grade outcome of 4.4 (suficiente/sufficient) or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL) 

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation

National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) with a minimum overall grade of 120

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) with a minimum overall grade of 431 or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year Bachelor degree with a minimum final grade of 2.2 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an Svjedodžba o Maturi (Matura Certificate) achieving a minimum 33332/dovolijan (satisfactory) grade outcome.

English Language Requirement: see our list

A minimum of 4 in English at standard level in the Drzavna Matura/Svjedodzba o Maturi

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Svjedodzba o Maturi (Matura Certificate) achieving a minimum 43333/vrlo dobar (very good) grade outcome.

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

A minimum of 4 in English at standard level in the Drzavna Matura/Svjedodzba o Maturi

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Baccalaures/Bacclaurea with a minimum grade outcome of 3/dobar (good) or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Bachiller Académico achieving a Desempeño Básico (Basic Performance/Pass) grade outcome. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachiller Académico achieving a Desempeño Alto (High Performance/Very Good) grade outcome

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Licenciado/Título de (subject area) with a grade outcome of 3.6 (sufficient) or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL) 

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Apolytírio Lykeíou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) achieving a minimum overall mark of 10 (Fair). 

Completion of an Pancypian Examinations achieving a minimum overall mark of 10 (Fair).

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Apolytírio Lykeíou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) achieving a minimum overall mark of 16 (Very Good). 

Completion of an Pancypian Examinations achieving a minimum overall mark of 16 (Very Good). 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree with a grade outcome of C (Third Class Honors) or 

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum overall GPA of 5.90 or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL) 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Czech Republic

Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Vysvědčeni o Maturitni Zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) achieving a minimum 3&4/dostatečný (pass) grade outcome. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Vysvědčeni o Maturitni Zkoušce (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) achieving a minimum 2&3/chvalitebný (very good) grade outcome or

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Licenciado/Título de (subject area) with a grade outcome of Prospel/a or Absolvovl/a (passed) or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL) 

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Bevis for Studenntereksamen (Secondary Education Graduation certificate) achieving a minimum overall grade score of 3.5 or

Completion of a Bevis for Højre Forberedelseseksamen (HF – Higher Preparatory Examination Certificate), achieving a minimum overall grade score of 3.5 or

Completion of a Bevis for Højre Handelseksamen (HHX)/ Bevis for Højre Teknisk Eskamen (HTX), achieving a minimum overall grade score of 3.5.  

English Language Requirement: see our list

English Language Requirement: Grade 9 in English for the final examinations

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bevis for Studenntereksamen (Secondary Education Graduation certificate) achieving a minimum overall grade score of 6.1 or

Completion of a Bevis for Højre Forberedelseseksamen (HF – Higher Preparatory Examination Certificate), achieving a minimum overall grade score of 6.1 or

Completion of a Bevis for Højre Handelseksamen (HHX)/ Bevis for Højre Teknisk Eskamen (HTX), achieving a minimum overall grade score of 6.1. 

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

English Language Requirement: Grade 9 in English for the final examinations

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree with a grade outcome of 4 or 

Completion of a Professionsbachelor (Professional Bachelor’s Degree) with a grade outcome of 4 or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of Certificate of General Secondary Education with a minimum overall grade of 95.00

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Certificate of General Secondary Education with a minimum overall grade of 205.00 or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year university Bachelor Degree with a minimum overall grade of 2.40 

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of Ylioppilastutkinto/ Studentexamen (Matriculation Examination) with a minimum overall grade of CBBB or CCBB

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Ylioppilastutkinto/ Studentexamen (Matriculation Examination) with a minimum overall grade of CCCC or MCCC 

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or 

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Kandidaatti/ Kandidat (Lower Academic Degree) with a grade outcome of 3 or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Undergraduate Degrees

Baccalauréat Général with minimum overall grade of 11.4/20 or

Baccalauréat Technologique with minimum overall grade of 10.8/20

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Three-year Licence with a minimum overall grade of 10.20 

English Language Requirement: see our list



Undergraduate Degrees

Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur with a minimum overall grade of 3.0

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Three-year Bachelor (Honours) Degree with a minimum overall grade of 2.6

English Language Requirement: see our list


Intergrated Foundation Programme

Completion of Diploma with a minimum grade of pass 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Higher National Diploma (HND) 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

 BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year Bachelor degree with a minimum of Second Class Honour (Lower Division)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year 

Completion of Apolyterio Geniko Lykeio (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) a minimum grade outcome of 9,5/metria (fairly good)

Completion of Upper Secondary Vocational School Leaving Certificate a minimum grade outcome of 9,5/metria (fairly good)

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Apolyterio Geniko Lykeio (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) a minimum grade outcome of 13,1/kala (good) 

Completion of Upper Secondary Vocational School Leaving Certificate a minimum grade outcome of 13,1/kala (good) 

A-levels or International Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: Grade 17 in Apolytirion English or see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Diploma/Degree (University Sector) with a minimum grade outcome of 5,3/kalos (good) or 

Completion of a Diploma/Degree (TEI) with a minimum grade outcome of 6,50/lian kalos (very good) or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Hong Kong

Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) with four level 2 or above 

English Language Requirement:  see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) with three level 4 or above 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

 BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year Bachelor Degree with the minimum of Second Class (Division 2) Honours

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of ÉrettSégi Bizonyítvány (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with a minimum grade outcome of 3/2 (Advanced Level) or

Completion of ÉrettSégi Bizonyítvány (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with a minimum grade outcome of 2 (Standard Level) 

English Language Requirement:  see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of ÉrettSégi Bizonyítvány (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with a minimum grade outcome of 5/4 (Advanced Level) or

Completion of ÉrettSégi Bizonyítvány (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with a minimum grade outcome of 3 (Standard Level)

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Alapfokozat (Bachelor’s Degree) with a minimum grade outcome of 3/közepes (satisfactory) or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Higher Secondary Certificate / Standard 12 (CISCE) with a minimum of 81 81 61 61 61 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Higher Secondary Certificate / Standard 12 (CISCE) with a minimum of 81 81 81 81 61

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Three-year Bachelor Degree with a minimum of Second Class Honour (Lower Division)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of Serifikat Hasil Ujian Nasional (National Examination Certificate of Results) with a minimum grade outcome of 55.1 (C Grade)

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Serifikat Hasil Ujian Nasional (National Examination Certificate of Results) with a minimum grade outcome of 70.1 (C Grade) or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Indonesia with a minimum grade outcome of 2.8 or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an High School Diploma with a minimum grade outcome of 10

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an High School Diploma with a minimum grade outcome of 16

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Iran with a minimum grade outcome of 13.50 or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an Irish Leaving Certificate with a minimum Common Points Scale (CPS) of 160

English Language Requirement: Exempt

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Irish Leaving Certificate with a minimum Common Points Scale (CPS) of 330 or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: Exempt

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of an Honours Bachelor Degree in Ireland with a minimum grade outcome of Second Class Honours (Grade II) or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: Exempt


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Diploma Di Esame Di Stato with a minimum grade score of 62.

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Diploma Di Esame Di Stato with a minimum grade score of 74 or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of an Laurea with a grade minimum grade score of 86 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list




Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of the Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate with with a minimum grade outcome of 2

Completion of the Upper Secondary Specialised/ Vocational School Leaving Certificate with with a minimum grade outcome of 2

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of the Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate with with a minimum grade outcome of 4

Completion of the Upper Secondary Specialised/ Vocational School Leaving Certificate with with a minimum grade outcome of 4

Completion of one year on an undergraduate programme in Japan or

A-levels or International Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a University Bachelor’s Degree in Japan minimum grade 2.30 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Certificate of General Secondary Education with a minimum grade score of 50

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Certificate of General Secondary Education with a minimum grade score of 60 or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Jordan with a minimum grade outcome of 2.10 or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Certificate of UNT (Unified National Testing) with a minimum grade score of 50

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Certificate of UNT (Unified National Testing) with a minimum grade score of 60

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Jordan with a minimum grade outcome of Pass with an GPA of 2,33 or 

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with a minimum grade outcome of C-/Grade 5/46 minimum point score.

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with a minimum grade outcome of C+/Grade 7/32 minimum point score or

A-levels or International Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of an Bachelor Degree in Keyna with a minimum grade outcome of Second Class Honours – Lower (52-59%) or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Thawawaya (General Secondary Education Certificate) with a minimum percentage of 70% overall

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Thawawaya (General Secondary Education Certificate) with a minimum percentage of 80% overall or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year /

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Kuwait with a minimum grade outcome of 2.6 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Brandos Atestatas (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with a average percentage between 16% and 35%

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Brandos Atestatas (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with a average percentage between 36% and 85% or

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Barkalauro Diplomas (Bachelor’s Degree) with a minimum grade outcome between 5-6 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires with a minimum grade outcome of 35

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires with a minimum grade outcome of 40

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: Grade 48 in English or see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor in Luxembourg with a minimum grade outcome between 10,50-11,49 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: Grade 48 in English or see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) – Malaysia High School Certificate with a minimum completion grade outcome of 2.25 or C 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) – Malaysia High School Certificate with a minimum completion grade outcome of 2.83 or B-/C+ or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of an Bachelor Degree in Malaysia with a minimum grade outcome of 2.40 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Matriculation Certificate Examination with a minimum grade outcome of CDDDDD

English Language Requirement: Exempt 

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Matriculation Certificate Examination with a minimum grade outcome of CCCCDD or

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: Exempt 

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor (General) degree with a minimum grade outcome of Category IIB or

Completion of a Bachelor (Honours) degree with a minimum grade outcome of Second Class Honours (Lower Division) or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Título Académico de Bachiller/ Diploma de Bachiller with a minimum grade score of 6.

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Título Académico de Bachiller/ Diploma de Bachiller with a minimum grade score of 7 or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Título de Licenciado/ Título (Professional) de [subject area] with a completion outcome of Gradated (Sin mención honorífica) or minimum grade score of 7.00 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Diplôme du Baccalauréat with a minimum grade outcome of Passable/ sans mention 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Diplôme du Baccalauréat with a minimum grade outcome of Mention assez bien or  

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Licence/Licence d’Etudes Fondamentales/Licence Professionnelle with a minimum grade outcome between 10.20-10.99  or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & XII) with a minimum grade outcome of 2.01

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & XII) with a minimum grade outcome of 2.41 or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Nepal with a minimum grade outcome between 60% or a GPA of 2.70 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Degree

Completion of an Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with a minimum grade outcome of 6

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with a minimum grade outcome of 7

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in the Netherlands with a minimum Grade Outcome between 6.5-6.7 or 

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in the Netherlands with a minimum Grade Outcome of 6 or 

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in the Netherlands with a minimum Grade Outcome of 6.0 or 

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in the Netherlands with a minimum GPA between  2.3-2.7 or  

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of National Diploma with a minimum grade of pass 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Higher National Diploma (HND) 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

 BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year Bachelor Degree with a minimum of second class (lower division) 

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an Vitnemål for Videregående opplæring (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School) with a minimum grade outcome of 2

English Language Requirement see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of the Vitnemål for videregående opplæring (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School) with a minimum grade outcome between 4/3 or

A-levels or International Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

 BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelorgrad in the Netherlands with a minimum grade outcome of D or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year 

Completion of Associate Degree with a minimum grade of pass over 65 credit hours in four semesters

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of Two-year Bachelor Degree with a minimum grade of pass over 50+ credit hours in 4-6 semester or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

 BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Four-year Bachelor Degree with a minimum overall GPA of 2.40

English Language Requirement: see our list


Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of 12 years of education with a High School Diploma or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year /

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Degree (minimum four years) from Philippines with minimum CGPA 2.5+ or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised institution

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year 

Completion of an Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity) with a grade outcome between 1st-2nd klasa 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity) with a grade outcome between 4th-5th klasa 

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Licencjat / Inżynier (Bachelor’s Degree) with a minimum grade outcome between 3+/3,5 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year 

Completion of an Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação with a minimum grade score of 10

Completion of an Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário – ENES (National Upper Secondary Schools Examinations) with a minimum grade score between 95-96

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação with a minimum grade score between 11-12

Completion of an Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário – ENES (National Upper Secondary Schools Examinations) with a minimum grade score between 106-121

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

 BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or 

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or

Recognised Foundation course in the UK 

English Language Requirement: see our list

A minimum of 14 in English in the Diploma de Ensino Secundario

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Licenciado with minimum grade outcome of 12 or

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a General Secondary Education Certificate with a Pass mark or 

Completion of a Qatar Senior School Certificate with a minimum grade range of 550 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a General Secondary Education Certificate with a Pass mark or 

Completion of a Qatar Senior School Certificate with a minimum grade range of 650 or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s degree in Qatar with a completion grade score of 2.20 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma) with a minimum grade score of 6.40

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Diplomă de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma) with a minimum grade score of 7.80 or 

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

A minimum of B2 in English in the Diplomă de Bacalaureat

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Diplomă de Licențǎ (Bachelor Degree) with a completion grade score of 7,00 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Certificate of Secondary General Education with a minimum grade score of 3

Completion of a Certificate of Unified State Examination

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Certificate of Secondary General Education with a minimum grade score of 4

Completion of a Certificate of Unified State Examination

A-levels or International Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor Degree in Russia with a minimum completion grade score of 3,6 or

Completion of a Specialist Degree in Russia with a minimum completion grade score of 5,1 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Saudi Arabia

Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of the Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate) with the inclusion of the General Aptitude Tests (GAT) with a score of 65. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of the Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate) with the inclusion of the General Aptitude Tests (GAT) with a score of 70 or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Saudi Arabia with a minimum completion grade of 70.00 (good) or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an Singapore/ Cambridge GCE A-Level with minimum grade outcome of EEE (all subjects at H2 level) or minimum grade outcome of E. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Singapore/ Cambridge GCE A-Level with minimum grade outcome of CCC (all subjects at H2 level) or minimum grade outcome of C. 

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor (Honours) Degree in Singapore with a minimum completion grade of Third Class Honours (low)/ Pass (high) or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with a minimum grade score of 30. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

A score of 1.0 in English at B2 level or a pass at C1 level in the Maturita

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with a minimum grade score 50 or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or 

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

A score of 1.0 in English at B2 level or a pass at C1 level in the Maturita

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bakalár (Bachelor Degree) with a minimum completion grade of Prospel/a or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list

A score of 1.0 in English at B2 level or a pass at C1 level in the Maturita


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of an Maturitetno spričevalo (Matura Certificate) with a minimum grade score of 13 or

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of an Maturitetno spričevalo (Matura Certificate) with a minimum grade score of 18 or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Univerzitetni diplomant (Academically oriented first-cycle degree) with a minimum completion grade score of 6.50 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list

South Korea

Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of High School with the inclusion of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) with a minimum score outcome of 6 or above

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of High School with the inclusion of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) with a minimum score outcome of 4 or above or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in South Korea with a minimum score outcome of 2.8 or 

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Título de Bachiller with a minimum overall grade score of 5.5. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Título de Bachiller with a minimum overall grade score between 5.9-6.0 or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado en (subject area) (Grado)  with a minimum completion grade score of 6.10 or

Completion of a Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado en (subject area) (Grado)  with a minimum completion grade score of 1.30 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list

Sri Lanka

Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of the Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) with a minimum overall grade outcome of an S (35 minimum grade score)

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of the Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) with a minimum overall grade outcome of an C (50 minimum grade score) or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor Special/ Honours / Professional Degree in Sri Lanka with a minimum grade outcome of Second Class (Lower Divisions) or 

Completion of a Bachelor Degree (General) in Sri Lanka with a minimum grade outcome of Second Class (Lower Divisions) or 

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Högskoleförberdande Examen (Higher Education Preparatory Diploma) with a minimum overall grade score of 11.75 or

Completion of a Examenbevis Yrkesexamen (Vocational Diploma) with a minimum overall grade score of 10,0 (G) Pass

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Högskoleförberdande Examen (Higher Education Preparatory Diploma) with a minimum overall grade score of 14.50 or

Completion of a Examenbevis Yrkesexamen (Vocational Diploma) with a minimum overall grade score of 15,0 (VG) Pass with Distinction or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or 

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor Degree/Kandidatexamen with a minimum completion grade outcome of  Godkänd/Pass (G) or Godkänd/Pass (B – High) or Good (60-64)/Pass (55-59) or D or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of the Maturitätszeugnis / Certificat de Maturité / Attestato di Maturità with a grade outcome of at least 4. 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of the Maturitätszeugnis / Certificat de Maturité / Attestato di Maturità with a grade outcome of at least 5 or

IB Diploma or IB Certificate with minimum 24 points or 

A minimum overall score of 70% in the European Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Switzerland with a minimum completion grade between 4-4.5 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list



Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Senior High School Leaving Certificate in Taiwan with the inclusion of a General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) with a minimum score outcome of 25 and an completion of the Advanced Subject Tests (AST) 

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Senior High School Leaving Certificate in Taiwan with the inclusion of a General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) with a minimum score outcome of 42 and an completion of the Advanced Subject Tests (AST) or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Taiwan with a minimum grade score of 2.50 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Completion of a Certificate of Secondary Education / Maw 6 with a minimum completion grade percentage of 30.01

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of a Certificate of Secondary Education / Maw 6 with a minimum completion grade percentage of 50.01

A-levels or International Baccalaureate or

BA (Hons) Practical Filmmaking with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Screenwriting with Integrated Foundation Year or

BA (Hons) Acting for Screen with Integrated Foundation Year or 

Recognised Foundation course in the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

Completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Thailand with a minimum grade score of 2.15 or

Completion of Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


Integrated Foundation Year

Successful completion of Devlet Lise Bitirme Diplomasi with a GPA of 3.5

English Language Requirement: see our list

Undergraduate Degrees

A-levels or International Baccalaureate or

Integrated Foundation Course / Recognised Foundation course

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

A good Bachelor degree (Lisans Diplomasi) from a recognised Turkish university with a 2.10 or above or

Good honours Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: see our list


United Arab Emirates

Undergraduate Degrees

A-levels or International Baccalaureate (see course pages) or

Successfully completion of Integrated / Recognised Foundation course from the UK

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised institution with a grade of 2.1 to 2.59

English Language Requirement: see our list


Undergraduate Degrees

Successful completion of the USA High School Diploma (SAT/ACT tests and AP exams are not required)

English Language Requirement: Exempt

Postgraduate Degrees

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised institution with a a grade of 2.4-2.89

Good honours Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience (APEL)

English Language Requirement: Exempt



Undergraduate Degrees

Completion of 12 years of education with a High School Diploma (Bang tot nghiep pho tong trung hoc) and 

Integrated/ Recognised Foundation course

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

A good Bachelor degree ( Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc) from a Vietnamese university with 7 or above or a masters degree

English Language Requirement: see our list



Undergraduate Degrees

General Certificate of Advanced Level with a minimum of D,D/2,2 or

English Language Requirement: see our list

Postgraduate Degrees

A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised institution with a grade of 2:2

English Language Requirement: see our list

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