Alumni Showcase – Tahwun Butcher

We caught up with alumni Tahwun Butcher, who graduated from our BA Screenwriting in 2021. Now working as a runner at Milk Visual Effects, we wanted to know how he’s put his CFS skills to the test in his career.

How did you get into Visual Effects?

It started after I did some editing on the visual storytelling module at Central film school. I liked the creative control I had in post-production and wanted to further expand on it with VFX.

Does it matter to you that you’re doing something different from what you studied or what you thought you originally wanted to do?

Not really. The amazing thing since I’ve started is that I have more time to work on and develop my scripts than I had originally thought. On top of this, I make connections with new people every day who work in the film industry in one form or another. Most range in experience from juniors to supervisors to heads of departments and all are willing to help you.

What are your goals for the future?

I would like to climb the ladder to supervisor and use the connections and skills to continue writing and creating my own projects.

How did your time at CFS prepare you for the industry?

CFS taught me that there isn’t much of a difference between a student that’s passionate about learning a role to an industry professional already in it. Too many people think you need to have the most expensive budget or that you need to size down your project to fit what’s capable. But if you band your peers together you can create something incredible. Sometimes the best resources are the people around you.

What advice would you give students who are still figuring out exactly what it is they want to do?

Take any opportunity that comes your way. It sounds cliche, but if it’s a good experience, you’ll have fun with it. If it’s a bad experience, at least you’ll know what you don’t like. Also, I’d recommend trying out a job in hospitality. It’s a magnet for creatives and it teaches a level of attention to detail that you probably won’t find anywhere else.

Any other comments?

There’s nothing quite like signing an NDA and not being able to talk about a project. And of course, seeing your name in the credits.