£971K technology boost for Central Film School

Central Film School has successfully secured a £971,650 grant from the Higher Education regulator the Office for Students (OfS) to invest in developing and emerging technologies for our new campus in South London. 

The OfS grant, which has been secured following a successful competitive bid, will contribute to developing local and international future filmmakers with the skills and competencies needed for the thriving screen industries.

The funds will drive an expansion and modernisation of the school’s technology offer, including mo-cap, animation and virtual production. A sustainability lens will also be applied to investment and production activity in order to embed environmental best practice in CFS’ students.

Donovan Synmoie, Head of School, said “The United Kingdom is currently experiencing a boom in film and high-end TV production.  These industries demand a skilled and creative workforce to continue in their success.  We are delighted that Central Film School has been awarded a substantial investment that will ensure that we will be playing a significant role as a pipeline of creative talent and ensuring that these opportunities are shared with all of the diverse communities that comprise our academic community.  We are honoured to have been chosen to help extend opportunities for skilled graduate employment to all and to play our part in ensuring the continuing success of a vital creative industry.”

Rory Curley, Chief Executive Officer, said “CFS is thrilled that the Office for Students has shown such belief in our vision and mission to support future filmmakers from all parts of society enter the screen industries and become leaders in the thriving creative sector. Arts and innovation, which go hand in hand, should form an essential part of the UK’s response to the challenges faced by local communities in recent years. This investment will allow CFS to play its part by equipping our learners on short, distance and full degree programmes with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed, now and in the future.”

This latest win gives the school yet more funds to develop its offer, meet the needs of students and deliver vital training and development for our future filmmakers. 

The Office for Students is an independent public body that works with Higher Education institutions to ensure students succeed.